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Analysis and detection of antioxidant capacity

1、What is antioxidant capacity? There are many antioxidants in living organisms, such as SOD, CAT, GSHPx, G6PD, GR, glutathione, etc., which can remove various reactive oxygen species in the body to prevent the generation of oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species. The total level of various antioxidant macromolecules, antioxidant small molecules and enzymes in a system reflects the antioxidant capacity of the system. Although the analysis of ROS induced oxidative damage is widely used as an analysis indicator, it is also important to detect the level of antioxidant capacity of cells in vivo, cells and extracts. The antioxidant capacity of intracellular macromolecules can be measured by ORAC (antioxidant capacity of oxygen group), HORAC (antioxidant capacity of hydroxyl group) and…

2023-01-29 445 views

How much we know about cell death

Programmed cell death is an active, orderly and gene-controlled process of cell death, including apoptosis, pyrodeath, autophagy and iron death. Apoptosis is the first kind of programmed cell death mode discovered by people, and it is also the most typical and the most clearly studied programmed cell death mode. Apoptosis is the normal physiological response of cells after receiving some specific signal stimulation. Apoptosis can be divided into two main categories according to its inducible factors: endogenous apoptosis (mitochondrial apoptosis pathway) and exogenous apoptosis (death receptor pathway). Endogenous apoptosis is mainly controlled by the BCL2 protein family, which includes pro-apoptotic factors BAX, BAK and BOK, and anti-apoptotic factors BCL2, BCLXL, BCLw and MCL1, etc. Through the interaction between pro-apoptotic factors…

2023-01-13 624 views

Special Topics on column protein extraction| Abbkine ExKine™ Pro Series Kits

Disadvantages of conventional RIPA lysis buffer protein extraction The conventional RIPA lysis buffer is easy to produce insoluble components for protein extraction, resulting in random loss of proteins, incomplete protein obtained, affected protein activity, and low protein purity, thus limiting the applicability of protein samples obtained for downstream experiments. Figure 1. Abbkine Protein Extraction Kit (Column method) Figure 2. Comparison of solubility of Abbkine protein extraction kit (column method) lysates and conventional RIPA lysis buffer. (Sample: 293 cells) Compared with the conventional RIPA lysis buffer liquid phase of various strengths, the lysis buffer of Abbkine protein extraction kit (column method) showed higher protein solubility, and no soluble components were produced, which could solve the problem of total protein loss in solution…

2023-01-06 592 views

How to select the freezing solution

Cell cryopreservation is a common method for cell preservation and long-term preservation in cell culture technology. Cell cryopreservation solution, as a solution that must be used for cell cryopreservation, is not only used for cell preservation, but also plays a key role in the process of cell purchase, gift, exchange and transportation. Therefore, it is particularly important to choose a good cell cryopreservation solution. Problems of existing freezing methods: Although DMSO has a protective effect on frozen cells, it has certain toxicity to cells, and its dosage is limited. It is the best choice to reduce or not use DMSO and look for other alternatives. Therefore, combining other ingredients to form a new formula and reduce the content of DMSO…

2022-12-26 656 views

Did you know? Cell metabolism can be tested this way!

Cellular metabolism is the general term for the ordered series of chemical reactions that occur within cells to maintain life. Its products are involved in apoptosis, signalling, immune response, metabolic regulation, gene expression, etc. It is very closely related to the ageing of the body, metabolic dysfunction, metabolic disorders and other pathologies. The Abbkine CheKine™ cellular metabolism product line includes a wide range of relevant metabolites, enzymes, nutrients and metabolite quantification kits, etc. The Abbkine CheKine™ cellular metabolism product line includes a wide range of relevant metabolites, enzymes, nutrients and metabolite quantification kits, etc. metabolite quantification kits and more. The kits can be divided into the following categories: oxidative stress series (oxidative and antioxidant series, glutathione series, antifreeze series), coenzyme…

2022-10-21 875 views

Universal toolkit for immunoprecipitation organizes IP/Co-IP experiments clearly

When we need to enrich proteins in small amounts and perform a single assay, IP experiments become the best choice for protein research partners. When we need to prove the interaction between proteins, Co-IP is almost a must-do project. Utilize cell lysate samples to demonstrate intracellular protein interactions and elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the phenomenon. When we lack a set of handy tools for IP/Co-IP experiments to save more time for the experimental cycle, the Abbkine immunoprecipitation general tool will become a powerful tool for experiments, allowing us to master the (IP/Co-IP) experimental password, Gain the freedom to strategize! In short, the Co-IP experiment is a little game of love, in which the antibody captures the protein (antigen), and…

2022-10-08 600 views

The Album of Abbkine Flow Products

The flow product developed by Abbkine is a kind of welfare product for the vast scientific research market. The flow product can meet the most extensive needs of engaging in cell and protein research, not only in terms of performance, but also with top quality, and in terms of price, it can also break the price valley, generally speaking, the product is very cost-effective. So what traffic products are there? Let's take a look.   1.SuperKine™ ECL enhanced/hypersensitive ECL substrates(pg/fg) In the detection of pico and femto protein, it has extremely high sensitivity; the signal is strong and can last for more than 4 hours; Premixing the two reagents in equal volume, then adding to the blotting membrane for use;…

2022-09-08 716 views

Classification and function of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex

The respiratory chain is a continuous reaction system composed of a series of hydrogen donors and electron donors arranged in a certain order. It transfers the paired hydrogen atoms removed from metabolites to oxygen to produce water, and at the same time ATP is produced. In fact, the role of the respiratory chain represents the most basic function of mitochondria. The hydrogen and electron donors in the respiratory chain are carriers that can transmit hydrogen atoms or electrons. Since hydrogen atoms can be regarded as composed of H+ and e, Hydrogen donors are also electron donors. The essence of hydrogen donors and electron donors are enzymes, coenzymes, prosthetic groups or cofactors. All the prosthetic groups for electron transfer in the…

2022-09-02 613 views

Protein purification topic | protein purification tossed for half a month without results, watch the sharing?

At present, there are many purification methods for recombinant proteins produced by genetic engineering technology, which can be divided into precipitation technology, chromatography technology, double-liquid phase extraction technology, etc. No matter which method is used, the principle of separation and purification is to use the difference of its physical and chemical properties. Physical properties include molecular size, shape, solubility, and chemical properties include isoelectric point, hydrophobicity, and affinity with other molecules. nature, etc. The purification of protein is roughly divided into two stages: crude separation stage and fine purification. Crude separation mainly separates the target protein from other cellular components such as RNA, DNA, etc., such as ammonium sulfate precipitation. Fine purification is to distinguish the target protein from other…

2022-08-05 965 views

Redefining cell migration assays. The Abbkine Cell Migration Assay Kit is online!

If you are still using the cell scratch method for cell migration assays, you are out of date. Cell migration assay is a method to detect the ability of cell migration and repair, which is commonly used to evaluate wound healing, cell differentiation, embryonic development and tumor metastasis. Although the traditionally used cell scratch method to detect cell migration can be visually observed, it cannot quantify cell migration. Abbkine Cell Migration Assay Kit, from a new perspective, integrates the visualization and quantification of cell migration.   Principle of Abbkine Cell Migration Assay Kit Cell migration is the movement of cells after receiving a foreign signal or sensing a gradient of certain substances. It usually occurs in processes such as wound…

2022-08-05 632 views