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How to quickly, accurately and stably label the subcellular structure of living cells and fixed cells

Date:2020-12-11 Views:1047

TraKine™ Pro is a series of long-term super-resolution cell staining imaging combination, used to mark the subcellular structure of living cells and fixed cells, through the design sequence to achieve specific binding with the target Marker protein gene sequence, and with high brightness and The resolution of the fluorescence is directly coupled. The unique fluorescent dyes of the TraKine™ Pro series cover the spectrum from ultraviolet to near-infrared.

This time I emphatically recommend the TraKine™ Pro series of selected popular research targets, which occupy a place in the scientific research field, including:

KTC4100-1                                                                    KTC4100-3

Tubulin: one of the important components of the cytoskeleton of eukaryotes. It plays an important role in maintaining cell morphology, cell division, signal transduction, and material transport.

Lysosome: an important dynamic organelle, widely involved in many important cellular processes. If dysfunction occurs, it will be related to a variety of diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Mitochondrion (Mitochondrion) is a double-membrane-bound organelle that exists in most eukaryotic cells. The function of mitochondria is to provide cellular energy. In addition, mitochondria are involved in other tasks such as signal transmission, cell differentiation and cell death, as well as maintaining control of the cell cycle and cell growth. Mitochondria have been implicated in a variety of human diseases, including mitochondrial disease, heart disease, heart failure, and autism. Mitochondria may play an important role in these cellular processes. Although the DNA of most cells is in the nucleus, mitochondria also contain their own complete genome.

Nuclei (nucleus): Controls the genetic characteristics of organisms. Cell metabolism is mainly performed by controlling the synthesis of specific enzymes. Responsible for protein synthesis, cell division, growth and differentiation, and regulation of gene integrity and gene expression

KTC4210-1                                                               KTC4210-2

There are millions of products in the market, why choose Abbkine's TraKine™ Pro series?

  1. We have adopted an optimized mammalian live cell tubulin staining scheme. The product has been tested on U2OS, Hela, Cos-7, ARPE cell lines, and can achieve live cell labeling; U2OS cell line is preferred. If the sample type is not included in the above cell lines, we can provide experimental services for specific cell lines.
  2. It is especially suitable for living cell research under Confocal and long-term super-resolution microscopes (such as SIM, STED, TIRF, PALM), and is perfect for observing cell dynamics in three-dimensional space.
  3. Patented dye TubGreen™ (Ex/Em = 500/520 nm)-high specificity, low background, perfect fluorescence stability.
  4. Almost no cytotoxicity.
Cat.No Product name Size Price
KTC4100 TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Tubulin Staining kit (Green Fluorescence with Super Resolution) 50T/250T/1000T 180$
KTC4210 TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Lysosome Staining kit (Deep Red Fluorescence with Super Resolution) 50T/250T/1000T 160$
KTC4220 TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Lysosome Staining kit (Orange Fluorescence with Super Resolution) 50T/250T/1000T 160$
KTC4300 TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Mitochondrion Staining kit (Deep Red Fluorescence with Super Resolution) 50T/250T/1000T 220$
KTC4510 TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Nuclei Staining kit (Deep Red Fluorescence with Super Resolution) 50T/250T/1000T 180$


In your complex and designed experiments, what we can do is to relieve your doubts and trips in your scientific research process, and let these high-quality and cost-effective TraKine™ Pro series of selected popular research targets help your research path!

Since it is to help your scientific research path, we must be the most sincere collaborators, helpers, and facilitators. In the cold winter, the gifts of warm winter activities are always given. The popular research targets of the TraKine™ Pro series are also in Among the items in the gift-giving event, the event continues, so stay tuned!

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