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Abbkine winter promotion: looking for you who need live-cell probe

Date:2019-11-05 Views:2252

Promotion time: From now to 15th January, 2020.

Promotion product list: TraKine™ Pro product line (Tubulin, Lysosome, Mitochondrion, Nuclei live-cell probe ).

Details of activities: 20% off for TraKine™ Pro product line.

Details for promotion product:

Product name #Cat Target Ex/Em (nm) Size Promotion price ($)
TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Tubulin Staining kit (Green Fluorescence with Super Resolution) KTC4100 Tubulin 500/520 50/250T 144/496
TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Lysosome Staining kit (Deep Red Fluorescence with Super Resolution) KTC4210 Lysosome 650/665 50/250T 128/472
TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Lysosome Staining kit (Orange Fluorescence with Super Resolution) KTC4220 Lysosome 565/590 50/250T 128/4721
TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Mitochondrion Staining kit (Deep Red Fluorescence with Super Resolution) KTC4300 Mitochondrion 647/661 50/250T 176/576
TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Nuclei Staining kit (Deep Red Fluorescence with Super Resolution) KTC4510 Nuclei 650/665 50/250T 144/496

TraKine™ Pro features & benefits:

  • Proprietary probe contains fluorescent dye and a unit which electively recognize organelles, with high specificity, low background, excellent photostability and good cell permeability.
  • Optimized staining protocol for labeling subcellular structures in mammalian living and fixed cells.
  • Fuorescence can last for several hours in cells, stable and persistent, especially ideal for monitoring dynamics.
  • Super resolution, especially suitable for Confocal and long-term super-resolution imaging (such as SIM, STED, TIRF, STORM and PALM).
  • Safe, very low or no cytotoxicity to cells.